The new Facebook chat bot is already being termed by some as a huge game changer for the E-commerce industry and many other industries. Two specific industries where it can really be great is the food industry and the cinema industry. Both these industries are always bombarded with requests from their respective customers. From new queries to other relevant information about deals, timings and reservations. These industries are always on customer support.
The Facebook chat bot is going to present an ideal solution to this.This is because of the fact that both industries have unchanging information and it is very easy to solve the problem with the chat bot.
This is how the Facebook chat bot can solve their problem:
• The chat bot can showcase the limited menu and movie options because of the display categories section available in the chat bot.
• Once the user has selected the menu or the movie, it will display the price along with slight description. Which is what the user wants.
• Then if the user proceeds to buy it, they can place their order or reserve their seat.
Example Pizza hut bot
These simple and easy steps make it ideal for the cinemas and food industry. It can fulfill the requirements with ease and this is exactly why it is the best product for these companies. Cost saving is another reason why these companies should think about using the facebook chat bot. Convenience is one thing but with the facebook chat bot, these industries may be able to save a lot of time in their respective customer service head. The companies can automate their customer inquiries`s, thereby saving them a lot of money on hiring personal. These of-course might lead to a loss of jobs but this is the future and it is here right now.