It is the journey of Aitomation (Pvt) Limited. From a no name company to a good one and hopefully one day a great one. It will be a business specific blog. What to do in a business, important lessons and specific guides on how to do certain things. So business tips, guides, lessons and pitfall is what the journey blog is.
We wanted to document our journey. Not just to remember it but we feel the journey is the main thing. It’s not the destination as they said, it is the journey.
We wanted to share what we have learned. There are so many things in a business. From taxes to management to software’s to applications, it’s just too much. It’s overwhelming for anyone and everyone almost to start a business. It’s much more overwhelming to realize that that you need to figure it out on your own.
We need more practical guides rather than theory. As anyone who is been in the business can attest to ideas are worth nothing and execution everything.
We wanted to learn more. We feel that with this blog we can get a lot of valuable comments, maybe meet some people as well. That can guide us step by step as to what to do next. We can improve and learn from them.
Since I am sort of a SEO geek. I do realize that there will be plenty of people that will be coming to the website and that will not be interested in Aitomation. This will increase the bounce rate which in terms will harm the websites overall ranking.
Still we are willing to accept it as we felt that business and entrepreneurship learning and tips which are not just theoretical but practical as well need to be out there more.
What we have learned so far
Hence this will now be a part of our blog. You can go to journey to read all the blogs in this category.
For example how to do SEO in a practical way, how to do financing using wave software etc
What specifically not to do
A lot of general business advice. Advice about SEO, backlinks and keeping your brands reputation. A lot of advice on how to hire.
A lot financial detailed advice. International Business advice and why you should go in depth when you are doing anything.
Computer engineers can expect a lot of super nerdy and geeky blogs about programming basics to advance.
We automate repetitive tasks on computer with the use of software just like the robots have done for the industrial sector. We are different from many other companies in that we provide customized solutions to all our clients. We are looking to help companies with their processes and want people to increase their efficiency and productivity.